Everything You Need To Know About Holistic Dentistry

Posted by Kayee Ho Herzberg Sep 17,2022

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Holistic dentistry is a philosophy that looks at the whole person and their whole health, not just the tooth they are concerned about. Holistic dentists look at the health of the whole person, not just their teeth. Holistic dentists tend to focus on the prevention and early detection of any problems that arise rather than focus solely on treating problems.

A holistic dentist may focus on overall wellness through preventative treatments and non-invasive procedures.

A holistic dentist will treat you as a whole person instead of focusing solely on dental health. They take into account your physical health, mental state, and diet before making a diagnosis or treatment.

Holistic Dentistry Explained

Holistic dentistry is an approach to dental care that focuses on the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and mouth. Although holistic dentistry doesn’t exclude traditional treatments, it places emphasis on maintaining and restoring health to your mouth and body as a whole. Most holistic dentists recommend avoiding fluoride treatments or only using them when necessary and expressing concerns with patients about their fluoride intake.

How Does Holistic Dentistry Views The Impact of Teeth And Mouth On The Body?

Holistic dentistry views the mouth and teeth as an integral part of the body and focuses on treating them with that in mind. Holistic dentistry does not ignore oral health, but it does take responsibility beyond simply addressing disease in the mouth.

Holistic dentists believe that the mouth is intimately connected with the rest of the body. The mouth provides the body with important nutrients, while the body provides the mouth with important antibodies to fight infection. The mouth also acts as a gateway for bacteria to travel throughout the body, which can affect the rest of the body. Holistic dentists focus on treating the mouth in order to treat the whole body.

Holistic dentists also focus on treating patients holistically. This means that they treat each patient as a unique individual and not just a list of symptoms that require treatment. They do not take a cookie-cutter approach to treatment. Instead, they take the time to get to know the patient, understand the patient’s lifestyle, and make a treatment plan that fits that patient.

Benefits of Holistic Dentistry

Holistic dentistry takes a whole-body approach to dental care. Rather than focusing only on your teeth and gums, holistic dentists look at your entire body and your habits. This includes your nutrition, stress levels, and exercise habits.

Holistic dentists focus on preventing problems and keeping your mouth healthy. They may suggest options to help you quit smoking or encourage you to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet.

Holistic dental care focuses on treating the root of dental problems rather than just the symptoms. For example, if you have a large cavity, your dentist might recommend a filling. But holistic dentistry also looks at why cavities form in the first place.

The major benefits offered by holistic dentistry include the following:

  • It relies on natural remedies
  • Holistic dentistry uses safe, biocompatible materials
  • It focuses on whole-health treatment
  • Holistic dentists avoid the use of mercury or fluoride as they believe these are unsafe

Ken Caryl Dentistry offers the best dental services to maintain your healthy smile. For more details, call Dentist in Littleton at (303) 973-5280 or visit The Courtyards at Deer Creek 7631 Shaffer Pkwy Suite B, Littleton, CO 80127. 

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